The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Obese does not = worthless, unhealthy or lazy.

Dear Fat Shaming Meme's:

I see you in my newsfeed on a daily basis. It's like there's no escaping you! No matter how many pages I "unlike" or how many more positive body image pages I DO "like", there you are... shaming people into being "healthy". Well, the next time you feel like saying something like this: 

"You can feel sore today or sorry tomorrow. You choose." 

*Consider this: 
*That's interesting. I'm not sore OR sorry.

"I don't have time to exercise" is the adult version of "The dog ate my homework."

*So now adults who choose not to exercise in blocks of time are lazy liars just like all of those bad evil little children. Got it. *eyeroll*

"Do not reward yourself with food. You're not a dog."

*My bad, I thought food was a sustenance of LIFE. Some thing to be grateful for. Many people even bless it before putting it into their mouth! But thank you for showing me that it is actually a product of SINFUL reward and by equating food (even my beloved red peppers!) with reward seals my godless fate in hell for all eternity. . . . with twinkies. And dogs.

"Someone who is busier than you is running right now."

*That's cool. I raised 3 boys while holding down a highly stressful job, never received child support nor government assistance, paid all of my own bills and provided my sons with everything I possibly could while being physically, emotionally and psychologically abused by a meth addict for 14 yrs., buried my father to cancer and had 4 surgeries. I finally "retired" after getting remarried so that I could actually FOCUS on being a mom and trying to give my sons (even the grown ones) the attention they deserve. But it's totally awesome that you can run X amount of miles. GOOD JOB!!!  I hate running. Maybe since you're SO much busier than I am, I could help you keep up with your laundry, housework and cooking?

Now look, I am not advocating anything here other than NOT shaming. If you enjoy rigorous exercise and dieting etc. (notice I said ENJOY), than KEEP DOING IT! I'm happy for you!!! But don't assume/insinuate that whoever doesn't, is a worthless pile of lazy lying fat. There is SO much more that goes into health and obesity that what most are even aware of. Shame does not motivate people to greatness and you cannot punish someone into wellness. Instead of shaming and assuming, try relating and encouraging without purpetuating myths and condemnation.