The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hindsight, Love and Lessons Learned In Parenting...

I became a mom for the first time at the ripe old age of 16, and then had my 2nd son at 18. I strived and struggled for years to NOT be that "stereo typical teenage mom" and worked my butt off providing for my boys the best I could. Their father (my ex-husband whom some of you know) was abusive and in and out of jail so even though I was "married", I was single. I didn't get welfare or child support. I do not come from a wealthy family. I worked my way up in the corporate world and by most people's standards, I was doing "well". My oldest was very athletic and was involved in almost every sport. When I married my now husband and was finally able to quit my career to focus on being a mom to my now youngest, Kreid (6)... I realized that all of those years with my older boys were spent trying to give them every *THING* they needed when I wish I would have just given them ME. I was a single mom for a long time and never really saw an "option" to stay home with them or do anything different than work, work, work! (Plus clean, cook and transport!) I just wanted to mention this for all of you young parents out there... remember what's REALLY important. I'm not saying "don't work or you're a bad mom", I'm just saying remember they need YOU more than they need the name brand clothing, the shoes and the elaborate toys etc. They need love, compassion, understanding and for you to be PRESENT and focused on them, feeding not just their bellies, but their soul. My older boys had a COMPLETELY different upbringing than my youngest and it shows. It's hard for me to not wish I could go back and do it all over again, but I know that everything happens for a reason, so I have no regrets, only lessons learned. 

Much Love.