The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"The Lard Is My Shepard, I Shall Not Salt!"

I am SO sick of the Fundamentalist Foodies. . . the Nutritional Crusaders. . . Diet Deities and all things related to telling someone else what they should or should not eat. Not everyone who eats in a specific way is "dieting", has disordered thinking or is "wrong" just because they choose to add/remove certain foods. If you eat a certain way, be it Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw or XYZ and it makes you feel GOOD, have at it!!! This is not the same as eating a certain way because you're attached to a label and ignore negative biofeedback to stay true to your chosen "way". That's when it becomes unhealthy. If you're following a labeled diet and you feel like crap, then do something else that makes you feel better. Also, ALL dieting for weightloss lowers metabolism if you're in a negative energy balance, so if you feel like shit and are experiencing hypothyroid symptoms, EAT MORE FOOD. Starving yourself, no matter WHAT foods you eat is NEVER healthy. If you choose to exclude/include sugar, meat, pasta... poop... I don't really care! What goes in your belly is really none of my business, and it's not anyone else's either. Sharing information about health and nutrition is one thing, but what sends me over the edge is watching someone who has NEVER been obese or had health problems tell someone else who IS how to not be obese or have health problems simply because they tried "XYZ" and it worked for them without any problems, so it should work for you too!" I'm over it. Down with Diet Dogma. Be it the guru's who are making money off of desperate dieters, the ones who claim to not wanna be gurus OR the ones who judge ALL people who don't eat ALL foods as "dumb dieters".

Generalizations suck!

Eat, drink and be merry!