The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Meet Me Beyond the Field...

I was thinking about Peace today...

What if Peace isn't the act of chronic kindness and self sacrifice, but balancing and embracing the full spectrum of human emotions with empathy?

What if Peace isn't the act of never raising our voice or always bending over backwards to be politically correct, so as to not offend others, but speaking our truth authentically and allowing others the space to do the same?

What if Peace isn't wrapping up our truth in a big pretty sugarcoated bow just to avoid being perceived as "impolite" or "creating conflict"? What if instead, we stop resisting and being afraid of who we truly are and allow our full Humanness to reveal Itself in the present moment? What if we accept ourselves just as we are?

What if Peace isn't the absence of anything, but the acceptance of all that is?

What if Peace is simply the state of neutrality and non-judgment, with no expectations or attachments; observing and allowing ourselves to be fully human and knowing at our core that that is the space where Divinity lives, waiting for us to come home?

What if Peace isn't about crucifying the ego (Note the metaphorical correlation between Jesus the Human being crucified, but resurrecting into eternal life), but embracing it as part of the whole and realizing it is necessary to have for the human experience? By shouting "crucify" to the ego, we are in resistance to a part of ourselves and that is where we suffer... in the disconnect.  We cannot have the human experience without an ego. Ego is the emotional aspect of The All, the "Mind of God". Ego is simply an earthsuit we choose to put on in order to experience what we are. People will say, "So you mean we're sad and angry and violent? That doesn't sound peaceful or spiritual and certainly doesn't sound like GOD!" But we cannot experience Peace without turmoil, love without hate or joy without despair. The full spectrum of emotions are what give us the ability to create and FEEL! Otherwise, how would we even know what joy is if we didn't first experience pain? How would we find gratitude for all "the good" if we first hadn't experienced "the bad". Peace is in the non-judgment of what is.

It is said in Christianity that Jesus was fully human and fully Divine, and yet even he told us we would do greater than he. That we too are created in the image of our Creator. In Hebrews, it talks of Jesus taking on the human nature in order to experience Humanness with empathy and compassion. He could not have done this if he didn't take on the Human Nature, which is the ego part of the Self. Jesus was the Creator experiencing Itself as Human, and blasphemy be damned, SO ARE WE.

Peace for ME is accepting who I AM; the Creator (call it what you wish) manifesting Itself in me as Human for the purpose of experience and expansion. This is Evolution. It's Knowledge becoming Wisdom. Knowledge is an accumulation of data, based on someone else's perception, something you have, something you hold. Wisdom is experiential, something you've done, it's what you ARE. You cannot claim truth of anything you have not personally experienced, even if it is claimed "a scientific FACT", for you are still ultimately taking someone else's word for it. And even IF something has been shown to be "scientifically proven", we can look at the Double Slit experiment and hopefully admit to ourselves that the role of the observer affects the outcome. This is why the only Absolute Truth that exists, is that Absolute Truth is being perceived relatively and subjectively by each individual, and all perceptions are ultimately the collective perception of the One Creator, which is you and me, we are the great I Am. We truly are a vessel, the lens for the Creator / Source / God / Universe to experience Itself, FULLY! There is nothing that is really unknown, only that not yet experienced. The more we resist who we truly are, the more suffering we are bound to endure. (We are 'bound' to suffer through our resistance of what is.)

The more we seek within and walk the path of Self discovery, the more we awaken to peace.

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other' doesn't make any sense."

-Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi - 13th century