The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Todays thoughts = Tomorrows Reality

Dear Friends,

I just finished reading what is now the best book I've read, "The Sculptor In The Sky" by Teal Scott.  If you're tired of creating your life by default and are ready to embrace life and BE HAPPY then I HIGHLY recommend this book!  I love all of the great LOA teachers like Wayne Dyer, Abraham (Ester) Hicks, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra etc., but Teal just has a way of relating that REALLY grabs me!  I will read it again... and again, I'm sure.  Check it out here:

I have decided to have a peaceful, mutually loving relationship with food. I have an extensive unhealthy history in relationship to food and dieting. I don't like labels, so I don't subscribe to 80/10/10, LFRV or RAW, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, etc., etc., regardless of what eating patterns work best for my body, I will not punish myself for eating "outside" of my chosen paradigm.  I am trying to align with my Higher Self PRIOR to eating ANYTHING in order to make good choices, but at the end of the day, I truly believe that the internal (emotions, self worth, vibrational output via thoughts etc.) is FAR more important than the external (food, exercise etc).  Now don't get me wrong.. I am not advocating eating fast food while being sedentary for good health! I am simply saying that when the internal Self is nourished, loved and healthy... than the external self will follow!  We will default to making better choices because we will raise our vibration to be a match to healthier things... by default!  Less stress!  I am choosing to be joyful and EXPECT GOOD things for myself.  If my physical reality is "negative" than it is due to the thoughts that I have been thinking... so in the great words (and book) of Dr. Wayne Dyer... "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life!"  I am changing my life by my perception of it!  Instead of seeing what I perceive as negative and continuing to give out (and therefore receive) negative I will not judge the physical, because I know it is only a mirror of the NON-physical. I can only continue to think thoughts that create the life I WANT whether I can see it yet or not is irrelevant.  I know that it WILL manifest ... so I can manifest pain, heartache, stress and poor health OR I can manifest abundance, joy, compassion and excellent health!  I choose the latter... how about you?  What are YOU focusing and therefore creating in your reality?  We are what we THINK!  And we're much more powerful than we give ourSelves credit for!  Here's a look at an example of a new daily "to do" list:

*Wake up with a smile and give thanks to our Creator for the free will in how I create my day

*Meditate on what I desire in my experience and review what "is" for lessons that to be learned.  (Daily affirmations may vary depending on what I want to focus on.)

*Show compassion and love for mySelf and others

*Allow Source to flow through me by aligning my thoughts in resonance with my Higher Self led by my trusted emotional compass.

*Focus on what I want to create.... not what is.  Todays thoughts create tomorrows reality!

*Live in the NOW!

Create bliss in every moment! (Notice the sway of the trees, the warm water embrace in a hot bath, the ability to walk, talk, run, laugh.)  Even if a circumstance "appears" to be "bad", look for the good and focus on THAT.  For example:  If you were just told that your friend is going into the hospital with an illness, instead of thinking "Oh my gosh, this is terrible!  What if my friend dies!?!?"  Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with that type of news (sadness, anger etc.) but find the thought that will help you focus on a higher vibration such as: "I am sad/angry that my friend is in the hospital with ABC illness, but I know that this can be the catalyst that brings forth a desire for a great healing and therefore change his/her life forever in a positive way!  I am sending energy of awareness and resolution and praying that he/she aligns with his/her Higher Self and allows a complete healing to occur.  I pray they begin to love themselves fully!" This will benefit both you AND your friend.  Now, I know a lot of people think this is all sugarcoating BS that is a sense of denial of reality... but it's actually the contrary.  Reality is a mirror of what WE have created... not us creating based on reality!  So flip the coin and break the cycle of creating by default.  The law of attraction (reaping and sowing, karma etc.) is at work 24/7 whether we agree, believe, like it or not!  We might as well start using it to our benefit and enjoy life!  This is, after all... why we came here in the first place! ;-)

I will leave you with this quote:

"You can not have a life, you can not lose a life… you are life. It is you who holds the power to decide yourself back onto the path you intended, the path of welcoming and of becoming one with your own personal definition of bliss. 
The power that you hold in life does not lie in what cards you have been dealt in this life, but instead in how you play them. Your life can be a tragedy in spite of every advantage.

Your life can be a triumph in spite of any kind of adversity. Your freedom lies in the fact that it is your choice which way you create your life to be." -Teal Scott