The 411....

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A 30 something single mom of 3 sons, 2 grown, and grandmother to one spunky little girl. I eschew labels. I do my best to live an authentic life of peace, love, joy and freedom, knowing that in order to do this, I must embrace and love my shadow.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What if you could change the world?

What if?

*You don't have to live to work, be stressed out about money 24/7 and miss out on your family due to "obligations" of life? The rat race has an exit and you can take it. *There is no one perfect diet for humanity. *Hell is not a "place", it's a state of mind, just like heaven. "God" is not a guy in the sky, nor is he even a "He". God is you and me. The energy, the force, the consciousness that unites us all. God is the great I AM. God IS LIFE and pure positive LOVE.*There are really only 2 choices in life; Fear and Love. And at every moment, you're choosing the path of one or the other. Choose wisely.*Duality, separation and everything we consider "real" is just an illusion.*Thoughts really are the beginning spark of creating our own reality. Once you add in the emotion, that is where the real creative power comes in. You will find what you look for. What you focus on will intensify and the Law of Attraction is very real, yet grossly misunderstood and misrepresented by many in "new thought/spiritual" communities. You really do reap what you sow. 
*Jesus really did exist and was a way seer, a man who truly understood what it is to be Spirit having a human experience but would agree that while the bible does share many truths, it is not the one and only infallible word of the one an only "true" god and was never intended to be taken literally and used as a weapon against the masses. 
*Democrats and Republicans are 2 wings of the same bird and that bird is sick and dying. Anarchy is really a path to peace and not violent chaos as stigmatized. 
*Our children are gifts and not property and when trusted, respected and given a good example at home, make very good decisions for themselves at developmentally appropriate levels and do not require a system of rules, rewards and punishments.
*You were spanked and you're really NOT fine. And if you ARE, what could your fullest potential have been if you were shown loving guidance, equality and respect without physical force or aggression at such a young developing age? 
*Public school is not required for learning and in fact, can damage the natural learning drive and desire in most children as well as instills an internal drive to conform to outside authority rather than trusting themselves and their innate guidance system. Essentially, over time they learn WHAT to think, not HOW to think. 
*Sobriety really IS possible and happens every day. I get the joy and reward of seeing it often in many, and am grateful.
*We really weren't born dirty, shameful, sinful creatures but all of the primary paradigms have instilled this " original sin" into us by way of conditioning us out of our natural state and connection to each other and "god" and thus, as adults we are essentially "programmed" to function as modern slaves rather than the powerful creators that we truly are. Furthermore, if we became conscious and tapped into our creative force and started using our power for good, than we would cease subconsciously creating more of what we do not want.
*We really CAN change the world. And it starts within our own hearts and minds. 
What if?
*The human experience is like a video game and there is no annihilation upon death. You always have free will and can choose to stay at home base or choose a different character and play the game again. You are evolution and it never stops.
What if everything you believe is true and once you realize that you have the power to change your beliefs to be more empowering and joyful, you realize that you have the power to change your entire LIFE?
What if?